Early book with special price!


When performing registration or check-in step via your mobile phone, it might automatically disable the camera. Then Participant needs to turn the camera on to complete the process.


Important Notes:

- If you access to website links (athlete.racejungle.com, checkin.racejungle.com) from mail application or Facebook application, the link might be opened via in-app browser but not Safari or Chrome, or Edge, … by default, then you could see a dark screen, unable to selfie (the reason is the camera is off).

- Please ensure to copy the website link, paste and open the browser per following steps:


A. iOS (iPhone, iPad)

  1. From home page, select Setting, select Safari
  2. Find and select Camera. Select Allow/ Accept (enable the camera access)
  3. Open Safari and follow the registration, check-in process. Select Allow/ Accept Camera Access when asked.


B. Android

  1. Select Setting. Select Application. Find Permission
  2. Select Camera, select ON, authorize Apps (Chrome, Edge, …) for Camera access
  3. Open Chrome/ Edge to register, check-in. Select Allow/ Accept Camera access when asked.


C. Laptop (Windows 10)

  1. Select Setting. Select Privacy. Select Camera. Select ON tab for: Allow apps to access your camera and browsers apps such as Chrome, Edge, …
  2. Open Chrome, Edge, … Select Setting. Select Site Settings. Select Camera. Turn on ASK before accessing and clear browser history that having RaceJungle is being blocked in BLOCK session
  3. Open new browser tab and register, check-in. Select Allow/ Accept Camera access when asked.


D. MacBook

  1. Open Safari. Select Preferences (next to Apple icon), upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Select tab Website. Select Camera. At the right corner below, switch the status “When visit other websites” to Allow/ Accept Camera access when asked
  3. Open a new browser tab to register, check-in. Select Allow/ Accept Camera access when asked.


Now, copy your Assign code from emails and register, check-in.

Registration Guide is available HERE.